Write Like No One Is Reading

Dr. Susan David wrote these words in her book Emotional Agility. “Write Like No One is Reading”. They are the words her teacher said to her when she was young to get her to write freely in her journal. It’s how I write in my own personal diary, but it’s always messy and everywhere.

I love writing, but in a way it clashes with my perfectionism. If I can’t do it correctly I won’t write it at all. But it’s not the way I want to be. And things only get better if you try, right?

Making A Pact To Just Try

So I want to make a pact to myself. To simply just try. It’s been my moto for 2023 to just try things and it has been a wild eye opening year. However one thing I’ve always wanted to be but never seem to progress in is a regular blogger/writer. Maybe because I can’t find the right words to translate onto paper.

As 2024 is around the corner I am reminded that another year has passed and I haven’t truly given writing my all. It’s something I want to do and be. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, but never felt good enough. But what is good enough in today’s world?

What Do I have to lose?

I need to write like no one is reading. Because what do I have to lose?

My two new words: hit publish.

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